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Royal Rodents

This project will forever have a place in my heart. It was my first group project game at Stout and my first mobile game! 


We had a team of 3 Artists and 3 Programmers. I was the only programmer with experience in Unity so I was the lead for this project.I learned a TON here, I honestly cant list it all.

Some key concepts learned were the use of an model view controller, ray casting , reading touch controls, and building a project for different platforms.

I was also in charge of the source control for this project. I had been familiar with git from other projects, but this was a whole new ball game.

I absolutely loved designing the big systems of this game. I think setting up the employee component that interacted with the buildable object component was my favorite part, but I literally worked on every part of this game, the only aspect I didn't touch was the projectile logic.



Our professor consistently warned us this projects scope was bordering on outside of the realm of this class.

One major dilemma I faced was :


     Taking the time to teach the other programmers how to essentially program in a game engine, or just carrying the workload on my shoulders and doing the majority of the work. For the first few sprints I chose the later and despite my enthusiasm it became quite clear this was not the right trade off. While I absolutely loved being in charge of all the systems, it became pretty tedious being the only one that could make any real progress on the game. 

        The last 3 sprints I really dialed it back and took the time to bring the other guys up to speed, while we still had to make some sacrifices due to time constraints, the over all development for the other programmers improved. Taking the time to slow down and teach them was an investment I was willing to make that will hopefully improve the quality and possibilities of the senior games down the line.

Still the hardest part about this project was the time constraints.

When you're passionate about game development- Its easy to get excited about a project and all it can be. Half a semester is simply not enough time to give the proper amount of love and attention to a project. Especially while juggling other classes and work.


We used Trello for our Project Management

Final Sprint Recap

For those more interested in the development cycle of the game, you can watch our team discuss and present our final sprint virtually to the class (thanks to covid)

I recommend watching the video as the games kind of complicated despite the help button and tutorial tips .Plus the mobile touch controls are a little unforgiving on the PC link below.

Play The Game

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