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TK Creator

I made my very own modding tool for Total War: Three Kingdoms. 

This program helps the user generate / duplicate massive amounts of events.
    It's basically a glorified string manipulator that has some niche things for TW built in.
    Written in java because it was adapted from WSS.

At the time of writing this, this tool is still very much so in development , and I have no idea how far I will take it, or when I'll put it out for the public.


This is probably the only example I can fit into a screen shot. Not the say that the other code is monstrous, but its just long. 

Hopefully this is a good enough indication of what this program does.


The most useful part is being able to take in multiple inputs , and output tons of cloned events with different replacement options.


Big Takeaway

This was basically my first exposure to writing my own GUI. I had to use Java which probably isn't the best choice for a GUI. Still, I really enjoyed diving into something new, especially messing around with different layout types.


The ones I'm using here are :


  • BoxLayout

  • GridBagLayout

  • FlowLayout.


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©2020 by Steve Datz.

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